Website Policy
We recommend all parents, once having granted permission for the participation of their child as indicated above, regularly visit the sites in order to satisfy themselves that any relevant items we publish are both suitable and accurate. If there is any item you have seen on the Club Websites about which you are unhappy, or is incorrect, please contact us immediately and we will do our utmost to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Every effort is made to ensure that the Club Websites are 100% child friendly and virus-free but we strongly advise anyone who visits them or contacts us by e-mail to ensure that their system is protected by a reputable and up-to-date anti-virus program.
Publication of Personal Information/Images & The Data Protection Act 1998
Website and Media Policy: ​ The purpose the Club Website(s) is to improve and enhance the prestige of Pelsall Villa Colts F.C. and it’s Players and Staff and provide a platform upon which the achievements of the Club and it's members can be documented and exhibited to a wider audience. In doing so, photographic images published online may include team photos, starman, presentations, tournaments, fund-raising and other club-related events. Special events may occasionally be video-recorded. Personal images and/or information for web articles, competitions etc. may be submitted for publication by parents. Match Reports published in the local press and on the Website(s) will display the full name of the players where applicable. Parents have the right to deny the Club permission to display images or otherwise identify their child in the media, if they so desire.
Pelsall Villa Colts FC will:

• In the first instance, obtain a signed declaration from parents. (Consent Form)
• Remove items from the website on parental request, the child of whom is the focus.
• Review all public messages prior to publication.
• Obtain the permission of opposing team officials prior to any photography or publication.
Pelsall Villa Colts FC will not:

• Publish critical or offensive remarks towards any Player, Official, Team or Organisation.
• Permit this website to be used as a forum for innapropriate discussion or views.
• Obtain monetary gain or profit other than for the purpose of sponsorship for the Club.
• Display any images which may considered unsuitable or offensive.
• Accept liability for circumstances arising from any published article.
• Accept liability for loss of service or damage arising from electronic transmission.